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A member registered Jan 18, 2023

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I didn't manage to use a monster lure yet, I bought some but never found a button for them, so unless they are active non-stop from inventory. EDIT while still writing.. I now know how to use them .-.

It might be possible that I had lower fps on one of the open floors 8 or 9 or whichever, but it did happen earlier as well

after testing some stuff with the MovementSpeed variable, it seems that the lowest I could go was 0.04 after which the character just wouldn't move, but it's not that much about the speed of the movement but more like the pause between the moves, but tbh the only reason I mind it is cuz I'm quite the perfectionist and I essentially have to have every single spot mapped on every floor.

While testing I found this spot where I couldn't move forward even tho it should be possible on outskirts (screen shot position)

Also I only now realized that our names match :kek:

(3 edits)

When dungeon crawling, sometimes one can get a battle at the same time as they move on a Tile with an event or other action... If you don't cancel the action, the game softlocks as there is dialog/choice in front and battle in the background. At least when changing floors if you actually move to a different floor, the battle cancels and game becomes unresponsive to any key presses .-. It's still responding, just clicking does nothing.

Should be an easy fix, just look at the tile u move to before firing an encounter event and check whether it's empty. It happened to me at a campfire and an event as well.

On unrelated note, the speed at which one moves is pretty slow even with the fastest speed possible

Haven't finished even one playthrough yet, but New Game+? wink wink

Edit: Might need further testing, after finishing that dungeon run, it hasn't happened even once